All partners of proEME
EMEurope is co-funded by the European Commission as part of the ERA-NET Confund scheme under Horizon 2020 Programme for EU funding programme for research and innovation under grant agreement no.
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
The department of Vehicle Systems and Technology Assessment identifies, analyses, and motivates future vehicle concepts for road and rail traffic from the perspective of engineering, commerce, society, and environment.
Metropolregion Hannover Braunschweig Göttingen Wolfsburg
Especially the economic power, the excellent economic landscape and the direct location at important European traffic axis make the region around the cities Hannover, Braunschweig, Göttingen and Wolfsburg to the Metropolregion with European importance.
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
VTT is a visionary research, development and innovation partner. We drive sustainable growth and tackle the biggest global challenges of our time and turn them into growth opportunities.
Hungarian Electromobility Association
The aim of the association is to represent its members towards political and economic decision-makers and the general public, to support the spread of electromobility solutions among users, to help guide the domestic regulation and economic development in the right direction with its professional experience and broad international industry knowledge.
University of Twente
The University of Twente offers a wide range of programmes from pre-University programmes.
FIER Automotive
Having the ambition to facilitate this global transition, FIER Automotive accelerate the development of the technology and platforms needed to create and establish the mobility solutions of the future.
Lund is the most popular study location in Sweden. The University offers one of the broadest ranges of programmes and courses in Scandinavia, based on cross-disciplinary and cutting-edge research. The University has a distinct international profile, with partner universities in 70 countries.
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Center for System Analysis and Strategic Research
The Academy of Sciences is the highest state scientific organization of the Republic of Belarus, organizing and coordinating basic and applied scientific research carried out by all subjects of scientific activity, conducting basic and applied scientific research, development, organizational and technical support for conducting state scientific expertise, acts as the head organization of the republic on scientific and methodological support of informatization development.
Copenhagen Electric
Copenhagen Electric is the central contact point for e-mobility in the Capital Region of Denmark. Copenhagen Electric gathers expertise from the business, science, and political communities as well as from the public administration.